This Is How Healing Can Make You A Powerful Person

Justine Rodes
4 min readMar 11, 2021
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Believe it or not — we all need to heal from trauma. No one has a perfect life and everyone is fighting a battle of some sort whether they know it or not. This can be from childhood trauma all the way to relationship trauma.

I learned throughout my mental health journey that my childhood had a massive effect on my mental wellbeing today. I was mentally and emotionally abused throughout my whole childhood in school and at home. The constant abuse destroyed my self-esteem and self-worth. By the time I was 17 years old, I didn’t want to live anymore because I was programmed to think that I wasn’t good enough for anything.

I am glad that I never gave up and moved forward with my life. There are many steps that need to be taken in the process of healing and I am here to share them with you…


Healing from trauma is more complex than what people think. There is a mindset that you have to have first before anything. You have to WANT to heal. So many people are unaware of what they can accomplish when they WANT something. If you want it enough then you will get it — that is half the battle.


Hate to break it to you — your trauma is going to creep back up on you if you slack on your healing habits.



Justine Rodes

Writer for Invisible Illness and Better Advice l Listen to my podcast Mentally A Badass IG:mentallyabadass